Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Corporate Scandal_Assignment

Corporate Scandal_Assignment

Q a) Research an organization of interest on the Internet. Describe how this organization promotes or contributes to social responsibility and awareness. How has this helped or hindered both the organization and those the organization is helping? b) Consider corporate scandals over the past several years. Research the Internet and consider a corporate scandal of Interest. Explain and describe the moral and ethical implications from this scandal. What could have been done differently? Where is the organization today- still thriving or not? Where are the executives today who were involved?

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For the first question, I would like to discuss the organization which has taken the responsibility to make a better and healthier future, the World Health Organization. There are 194 member states, 150 plus offices, WHO stuffs are trying to achieve a better future with a strong determination. They are striving to combat both non –communicable diseases like heart disease and cancer and communicable diseases like HIV, influenza etc. They are also helping mothers and children to get a healthy disease-free life. They ensure that people can breathe safely, and eat and drink properly. WHO is also responsible to provide necessary medicines and vaccines.